The missing link in medication safety

After a whirlwind trip to the Safekids convention, Prevcon, in the US recently, Dr Annette is feeling energised after being around people who's focus it is to protect children.

I have been thinking about the latest report from Safekids:

It's the first  time that I have seen reported what we all know: "The survey findings revealed a striking gap between parents’ knowledge of what they should do to protect kids from accidental medicine poisoning and their own behavior or attitudes. In fact, while 9 in 10 parents agree it is important to store all medicine out of sight and up high after every use, nearly 7 in 10 report that, in reality, they often store medicine within a child's sight - on a shelf or surface at or above counter height."

I really feel that Juno Childsafe can help address this disconnect.